Combined decongestive therapy (CDT) reduces and relieves swelling with a blend of MLD therapy and compression wrapping. It's used for large-scale, entrenched swelling where lymphatic massage alone isn't appropriate.
CDT is a mainstay in management of chronic swelling at all stages from lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency and lipedema . Acute swelling, resulting from significant injuries and surgery, may also benefit from a short course of CDT to speed healing and relieve swelling.
CDT gives you control over your swelling and pain.
Each session begins with a gentle, relaxing lymphatic massage to stimulate lymph flow. Traditional CDT can involve daily therapy (M-F), while modified CDT is often only 1-3 sessions per week.
With traditional CDT comfort foam and compression bandaging, which stay on 24/7, are used. Becoming more popular is modified CDT, which uses other compression products and garments that can be removed for bathing and sleeping. Importantly, both approaches will continuously move lymph and reduce swelling.
At each visit, compression is removed, MLD is provided, and compression re-applied. This process repeats until your swelling is optimally reduced. You’re then measured for a custom-made compression garment which is vital for proper edema management and comfort.
A full course of treatment often takes four weeks or more - shorter or longer for some people. The stage of swelling, the underlying reasons for it, and how your body responds to therapy all determine your Treatment Plan.
The MLD Clinic is your one-stop shop for swelling care and compression garments.
CDT is an intensive – but short-lived and worthwhile – commitment of your time, energy and focus. We’re committed to encouraging and guiding you every step of the way to improved health and wellbeing.